Holding It All Together

“Who has measured with his palm the waters, marked off the heavens with a span, held in his fingers the dust of the earth, weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance? Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord or instructed Him as a counselor? Whom did He consult to gain knowledge? Who taught Him the path of judgment or showed Him the way of understanding?” Isaiah 40:12-14
Recently, God has called me into a period of transition in my life to focus on expanding the mission of Patchwork Heart Ministry. Each new day is unpredictable, vastly different than the previous and can be filled with skyrocketing highs or rock-bottom lows. The reward of success is constantly and relentlessly paired with the added stress and responsibility of starting and operating a non-profit.

In one of those rock-bottom stressful moments, earlier this month I was trying to hold it all together and began complaining to God, as I began reading Him my shopping list and asking Him for His intervention in my day, He stopped me in my tracks and began reading His list back to me.

“If you think you are trying to hold it all together, have you forgotten what I’ve held together. Remember when my Son laid his life down for you? Well, as I was torn to pieces watching Him suffer for you did the world implode? Did gravity disappear? How about the stars, did they cease to give light? As I watched him breathe His last breath, did I forget to sustain the life of every other living creature and human being?” I sheepishly responded “No.

Suddenly, my issues seemed so small and insignificant and I sat there in awe of God. I know if I was watching my innocent Son be executed, I wouldn’t be concerned about the needs of anybody else, worried about paying the electric bill or other temporal matters. But even when God is humiliated, mocked, scorned, crowned with thorns, beaten and crucified, “He makes His sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45 NABRE).”

Simply, if God can look down from heaven and watch His only begotten Son’s flesh be brutally torn apart by us sinful human beings and resist the urge to turn all the galaxies into dust, I’m confident that He can help me handle not only my worries, problems, insecurities and issues but your's and everybody's.

Therefore, this Lent, let us intentionally spend quality time reflecting on the Paschal Mystery and allow ourselves the opportunity to realize the magnitude of what it means for our salvation and the salvation of the world.


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